Monday, April 26, 2010

multiples in the classroom

As this school year is winding down, we are looking ahead and making plans for next year. )Our daughters will be in second grade. We had them in the same class for kindergarten, then seperated in first grade. Next year we decided that it would be best for our family is the girls were placed back in the same classroom. There isn't one right way for a family to handle this. Each child is diffrent, and their needs change from year to year, so we are trying to adapt as we go.

Before they started school, my husband and i talked for months about what would be best for them. We had decided not to send them to a preschool, as i have been home full-time since before they were born. Kindergarten was going to be a big step, and it would be full day kindergarten on top of that.Being together would comfort them during these changes.

We didn't have any problems with the school, and their teacher was also helpful. She assigned them to diffrent tables to encourage them to build other freindships. Kindergaten went smoothly. no competition between them, or excluding other kids. Going into first grade, we switched schools and felt they would benefit from another year together.

first grade has been much harder. When I had spoken to the school about having them placed together, i was told that i could request that at registration in the fall. When we got there, the principal had already assigned them to diffrent classrooms. I spoke to her about the girls changing schools, and not knowing everyone, but she wouldn't budge. School was starting in a week and there was not time to fight it.

as there were only 2 classes, lynn was in class,and her sisters in the other. It took awhile to make new freinds, but after several weeks they settled in. The problem i was'nt prepared for was dealing with homework from 2 diffrent teachers. Someone was always waiting for me, to explain instructions,and discuss reading assignments. Then when someone needed extra help, with handwriting or math, it was hard to find the time.

Going into 2nd grade, we've decided that they need to be together again. After talking with several other moms with multiples, i think i made a better request. I typed up a letter based on logic not emotion. i also mailed it to her when there was still a month left of school. I haven't heard back from her yet, but i am hoping

Friday, April 16, 2010

artist on the inside

Every day the kids come home from school waving a new creation in their hand, or crushed in their backpack. our front door, refrigerator, and their bedroom walls are covered in drawings and painting. They can be so free and confident. at what age do you decide that if you aren't a professional artist, then it's time to put the paints away?

Hobbies, crafts, maybe you can slip by...
working for an architect, drawing floor plans, that was useful but not exactly artistic. My drawings tend to stay neatly tucked away in my sketchbook safe from criticism. I've done a couple for family as gifts. and i donated one to a church auction, and sweated over it, wondering it would even sell. I don't even have any hanging in my own home.

Our church is doing an art show, along with the annual ladies dinner, and I'm displaying a photograh, a few scrapbook pages, and if i can keep my courage up, a couple drawings.The photograph feels safe, less personal, and lots of people scrapbook now with the purpose of documenting their memories. But a drawing is all me. I'm so nervous about it. putting myself out there, saying i think I'm good at this....last night when i was helping set up, i noticed one of the other women had made business cards taking herself to the level of professional. i hadn't thought of that.

I've lurking around Etsy (sort of an eBay for handmade items), wondering i could actually make money doing this. Would it hurt too much if i didn't? it's one thing to call it a hobby, but do i have the courage to actually call myself an artist? There are 13 tables at the art show. it will be interesting to see what other hidden talents are out there. these gifts and talents that we enjoy, but see no worldly value in. What is God's calling for these things in our lives?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Braces x3

When the kids are due for checkups we schedule them all in a block. one trip, one after the other, after the other, after the other. usually my husband or my mother-in-law, my sister, or my brother, who will sit in the lobby with the kids who are finished or waiting, while i am back for the appointments. we have been so fortunate to have family to step in and back us up.
At their most recent dental check up there was concern about the girls adult teeth coming in crowded, and baby teeth coming out to soon. They did panoramic xrays, and suggested we consult an orthodontist to make a long term plan before doing anything else.Leah needs one tooth pulled now, and probably adult teeth removed later. Lynn needs 4 baby teeth pulled, and adult teeth will also be pulled later. Lori needs braces on her back teeth now, followed by an appliance to hold them in the correct place, followed by braces later. It's hard to explain to a 7 year olds, that they need all of this. They are happy with what they see in the mirror. We told them it wouldn't hurt, and that it would look just like the teeth that came out on their own. I hate to think about putting them through this. We're going to an oral surgeon, so they can put the girls out during the procedure, but it's still going to hurt later.
I know this will be the best for them in the long run, but i still have a hard time with it. it's one of those times when it's not easy being a parent.They can comfort each other though, knowing that their sister is also having a tooth pulled: will also need braces later. It makes it all feel normal. We talked about freinds and relatives who have braces, but we couldn't think of another first grader. They also prepare each other talking about the doctors monkey shirt, and the hot choclate machine in the lobby.
They go through it all together, but that also means that the expenses all hit at the same time as well. i came home from the consultation rattled by the numbers. when my husband came home from work, i shared it with him, and he was so calm. In our family, i am the heart, he is the head;careful, planning, saving. You can always plan that there will be unexpected things. We will take care of this, and they will have what they need. The extra money we have today, will meet tommorows need.From the begining it has always taken both of us. Our combined strengths and communication to find our way. I am so very blessed to be married to this man.

after that i decided to schedule a consultation for lynn as well. It turned out that her front teeth were even more crowded. There was just no room for the adult teeth to come in, and he suggested pulling 4 baby teeth to make room, then followinmg up with pulling some of the adult teeth later. i hate to think about puttin her through that. We're going to an oral surgeon, so they can put her out during the procedure, but it's still going to hurt later. it will be the best for her in the long run, but i still have a hard time with it. it's one of those times when it's not easy being a parent.
when o was flossing Lori's teeth a few days later, i noticed that one of her adult teeth was coming in behind the others. I had the dentist take a look and he thought she would be needing braces in the future as well. i scheculed a constultation

Monday, April 12, 2010

kids church choir

This sunday, our kids sang at church with the kids choir. There were actually several songs, with short speaking lines for the older kids in between. the girls were nervous, but they were clear, and remembered their lines. Our son did his best, but by the last song, he was easily distracted, and was twirling around in circles, up there in front of the church. Afterwards, i overheard someone talking about the cute little blond boy dancing. i kept my mouth shut and didn't claim him.
Later in the day, i was thinking about the songs, and i realized that Jesus belongs to them too. They understand him in a diffrent way. Their faith is still young. They haven't dealt with many of the big questions the way an adult has. Ray was a newborn, and the girls were only 2 when i was diagnosed with cancer. they don't remember that time in our familys life. When we talk about it, we focus on how people helped us, and how God took care of us when mommy was sick. Now that i am in remission, I am so greatful for the chance to give back. To take a meal, or just be a listening ear for someone else. No one is born as a hero of faith. It growns over a lifetime of experiences. It changes, it grows. Sometimes in big bursts, other times it can feel like you are just waiting. But amazing things can come from those times as well.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The ones with the triplets, first post

Since I am just starting out, I think it makes sense to share a bit of my story, at least an outline. After 4 cycles of IVF, we were blessed with triplet girls in 2003. They were preemies, and we had a rough start, but they made it home, and we all made it through that first year. Through the fertility process, we also had embryos frozen. With much hope and prayer, we went ahead with the transfer, and in 2005 we were blessed with our son. What we didn't know at the time was that i also had a rare type of cancer, adenoid cycstic carcinoma, in my airway. I would eventually crash in the emergency room, and our son would be delivered prematurely so that i could recieve the treatment that i needed. God took care of us in a big way, with family, freinds, our church.
Now i've been in remision for 5 years and doing well. All of us are. The girls are in school, and our son will be starting kindergarten in the fall. Life is actually very normal, and i'm not completely sure how to handle that. My husband has supported us on his salary as a computer programmer so that i could be at home with the kids. We had always planned that i would go back to work at this point, but now i find myself wondering exactly what that looks like. how do i make it all balance? and what do i want to be when i grow up?