Monday, April 26, 2010

multiples in the classroom

As this school year is winding down, we are looking ahead and making plans for next year. )Our daughters will be in second grade. We had them in the same class for kindergarten, then seperated in first grade. Next year we decided that it would be best for our family is the girls were placed back in the same classroom. There isn't one right way for a family to handle this. Each child is diffrent, and their needs change from year to year, so we are trying to adapt as we go.

Before they started school, my husband and i talked for months about what would be best for them. We had decided not to send them to a preschool, as i have been home full-time since before they were born. Kindergarten was going to be a big step, and it would be full day kindergarten on top of that.Being together would comfort them during these changes.

We didn't have any problems with the school, and their teacher was also helpful. She assigned them to diffrent tables to encourage them to build other freindships. Kindergaten went smoothly. no competition between them, or excluding other kids. Going into first grade, we switched schools and felt they would benefit from another year together.

first grade has been much harder. When I had spoken to the school about having them placed together, i was told that i could request that at registration in the fall. When we got there, the principal had already assigned them to diffrent classrooms. I spoke to her about the girls changing schools, and not knowing everyone, but she wouldn't budge. School was starting in a week and there was not time to fight it.

as there were only 2 classes, lynn was in class,and her sisters in the other. It took awhile to make new freinds, but after several weeks they settled in. The problem i was'nt prepared for was dealing with homework from 2 diffrent teachers. Someone was always waiting for me, to explain instructions,and discuss reading assignments. Then when someone needed extra help, with handwriting or math, it was hard to find the time.

Going into 2nd grade, we've decided that they need to be together again. After talking with several other moms with multiples, i think i made a better request. I typed up a letter based on logic not emotion. i also mailed it to her when there was still a month left of school. I haven't heard back from her yet, but i am hoping


  1. I thought I made a comment with my support, but since it is not here, I just want you to know that I think you are very wise Mom and Parent. I hope the school will be cooperative! I totally agree that what is best for the schools families should rank as most important.

  2. Did you ever hear anything from the schools?

  3. Hi there!!
    Thank you for your super sweet comment!! :)
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