Monday, April 12, 2010

kids church choir

This sunday, our kids sang at church with the kids choir. There were actually several songs, with short speaking lines for the older kids in between. the girls were nervous, but they were clear, and remembered their lines. Our son did his best, but by the last song, he was easily distracted, and was twirling around in circles, up there in front of the church. Afterwards, i overheard someone talking about the cute little blond boy dancing. i kept my mouth shut and didn't claim him.
Later in the day, i was thinking about the songs, and i realized that Jesus belongs to them too. They understand him in a diffrent way. Their faith is still young. They haven't dealt with many of the big questions the way an adult has. Ray was a newborn, and the girls were only 2 when i was diagnosed with cancer. they don't remember that time in our familys life. When we talk about it, we focus on how people helped us, and how God took care of us when mommy was sick. Now that i am in remission, I am so greatful for the chance to give back. To take a meal, or just be a listening ear for someone else. No one is born as a hero of faith. It growns over a lifetime of experiences. It changes, it grows. Sometimes in big bursts, other times it can feel like you are just waiting. But amazing things can come from those times as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, I am excited to be following your blog! You are a very talented writer! I look forward to reading what you write!
