Monday, March 28, 2011

What are you reading Wednesday...."The Majic Treehouse"

I was actually reading "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, how did I miss this book? Everyone has heard of it, and knows how it ends, but somehow through high school and college, I never actually read it. If you haven't, do. suspense, drama, romance, yum. Lori saw the cover and replied" Charles Dickens...I think i've heard of him...." It turned out that in "the Majic Tree House #44:A Ghost tale for Christmas" by Mary Pope, the main characters had visited Charles Dickens.

This year (2nd grade) my daughters are just gobbling up these books. This is a huge series, with adventure and a little education mixed in. 46 books so far, and additional resource guides. The main characters in the series, are a brother and sister Jack and Annie. They have found a treehouse, that takes them around the world and through time. In this particular book, they visit Victorian England, they learn a little about real life conditions, and meet Charles Dickens with the plan to encourage him to keep writing. I learned a few things about him while reading this book. Did you know that his father was in debtors prison, and that charles was working in a factory at age 12? Jack and Annie has also visited the deck of the titanic, the first olympics, antartica, and too many other places to list. i love that there is a series that entertains, as well as educates.

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